Thread: A dumb bluff
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Old 06-24-2007, 04:45 AM
sweetjazz sweetjazz is offline
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Default Re: A dumb bluff

I say it is a "dumb" bluff because what hand am I credibly representing.

But at the same time, what hands do SB and button have? SB shouldn't have flopped a pair, because he should have check/raised if he did. The 2 and the Q didn't help him unless he had exactly Qc xc or Ac 2c. Of course, one cannot discount entirely a hand like ATo which is almost certainly calling a river bet.

What does button have? I don't think he can have A high or better on the turn, because he absolutely must bet that blankiest of blankest turns. Instead, he probably has a hand without showdown value that has a fair amount of outs, so he wants to avoid a check/raise (in contrast to A high which is happy to calldown a check/raise). Hands like T9, T8, 98 all seem plausible to me. He could have random Qx hands as well.

I don't know what hand I am supposed to be representing though. I guess I could have a passively played 6x or 55-22 or a random Qx. Is that, plus the small pot size, enough to ensure that I don't get rebluffed here? Am I getting 2 folds 1/6 of the time?
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