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Old 06-23-2007, 09:31 PM
XXXNoahXXX XXXNoahXXX is offline
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Default Re: Where to go for Vacation? July 2-6

There's been some threads on visiting Boston and seems like the perfect city to spend the 4th.

There is an epic thread on San Fran in El D's forum.

Don't be intimidated by Boston due to the close date, there is so much too see, but the public transportation is great and easy. I think if I were you, and I were to do Boston, I'd spend a couple days in the city, then rent a car, and head to Cape Cod for a day or two on the beach.

I think you could plan an awesome trip to Boston in a few hours.

The Red Sox are at home 2,3,4,5 if you are interested in Baseball and easy enough to get some tickets at the stadium.

You can go on a whale watch or deep sea fishing, check out the aquarium, the awesome bars and museums, Harvard Square, etc.

Head East!

I live in Boston so if you have any questions, feel free to PM.
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