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Old 06-22-2007, 12:27 AM
frommagio frommagio is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 976
Default Re: Full Tilt you SUCK and so does FTPDoug and FTPSean

I really can't understand why Doug hasn't responded to you yet. I'm sure he sits at home on the weekend waiting for idiots to email him and cry about $50 that someone traded with a person they are not familiar with. If you want your kids to see you look like an ass donkey then go to the play money tables.

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I must have missed something. I thought that was his job. I can't for the life of me understand why everyone thinks its OK for full tilt to suck.

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Nobody accepts this crap from their local cable company - now that satellite is available. It's the same old story.

I personally refuse to patronize companies that don't respect their customers, even if they're the only game in town. If more people would do the same, we'd have better choices.

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Do you tards ever read before responding. Read above. It refers to Doug not responding, not Full Tilt. Because you idiots can't read and understand I will explain it again for you. Original poster included Doug and Sean in his post. I responded with the obvious, that being that Doug does not probably sit at home on the weekends looking for emails from tards. In your wisdom you compared it to cable and satellite service. To make the proper comparison you would have to talk about a specific repairman who didn't respond to you on the weekend. But as usual most on this site are to ignorant to see it. So to make it clear again. I was referring to the attack on Doug and Sean not on Full Tilt, so there is no need to take a statement about one and use it to talk about the whole.

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I started to write up a response to this, but found that it wasn't worth it. Almost every sentence contains two or three unfounded assumptions and/or instances of bad logic. And the others are grammatically indecipherable.

So go crawl back into your hole while others work to ensure that eventually we'll all receive the services that guys like you don't deserve.

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Just as always with your english lessons. For someone who is supposed to have such a unique knowledge of the english language your abilty at communicating and understanding others is very limited. How very difficult it must be for you in this world when you can't understand anyone that doesn't talk or write perfectly. You have trouble adapting it seems for most do not write or speak as expertly as you. Let me try to help your limited and narrow view again. To say that Doug or Sean suck because FT did not answer OP satifactorily or quickly enough is not logical. To expect an employee of FT to read this board 24/7 or answer PM's 24/7 is not logical. Perhaps FT did not meet OP's expectations but to verbally attack 2 employees in the same title is not logical. Now Mr. English proffessor, for you not to understand this is not logical but it does demonstrate your narrow minded linear thinking. And by the way Mr. Logical. Your first sentence makes no sense. I believe what followed it was a response. Oh , thats right, you are an english expert so apparently you have a different term for it. It must be all that work you are doing to ensure everyone recieves the type of service that "you" think they should have. How noble, better service and english lessons at the same time. My you must be proud, but be careful of the hooves when you fall off.

P.S. I know you have trouble understanding what I write but surely you know what the word "guys" means. Talk about assumptions. Knowing what I deserve and do not deserve based on what you read on this board is not logical and seems like an assumption as well. But because you have such as grasp of the language i'm sure you meant something else and I am just missing it. After all, we know I cannot write in such a manner that it can be deciphered but your code seems most illogical as well. What with all the contradicting yourself you do.

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Good job improving your grammar! Although it starts off pretentiously and then degrades into general awkwardness, at least it has become mostly understandable.

Next step: Please remove the unwarranted assumptions, erroneous assertions and logical errors. Then discard the repetitive personal attacks, which currently form the bulk of your post.

Once you're done, please resubmit. Then we'll see whether the remaining content, if any, raises questions that merit answers.
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