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Old 06-21-2007, 10:55 PM
Yo Adrians! Yo Adrians! is offline
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Default Re: Having kids, pros and cons?

I have a son who turns 3 in September, and my wife is 8 months pregnant with our second child. We're very happy. I get to spend most days with him - as my wife works during the day and I have a night job. We have a blast together for the most part - eating together, playing together, taking mini trips together, swimming, watching movies, blah blah blah. I wouldn't trade my time with him for anything ... and I know my wife feels the same way.

That said, there are some days that I literally want to run away ... maybe that's too harsh. Make that, take a week-break or something. I don't get to have too much fun with friends, my wife and I don't get to spend quality time with just each other, I don't get nearly enough sleep, my son is in love with mommy and just kind've tolerates me (not really, but it feels that way sometimes), and I feel pressure to do/don't do things that I really do/don't want to do.

It's all worth it, like others have said. But please, it's a challenge like everything else - and some days are very, very difficult for me personally and on my marriage. And if you aren't ready for some of these challenges and aren't willing to work on them with your spouse as a team, you're in for a rude awakening.
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