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Old 06-21-2007, 09:40 PM
GovmentCheese GovmentCheese is offline
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Default Re: Having kids, pros and cons?

I'll be the counter.

Getting married soon (been living together for years). Like with our wedding plans, we're not rushing into anything. I'd go so far as to say we've already decided that I'm going to get the 'ol snip snip. I'd be very happy not procreating - ever. I don't want kids because I'm selfish ,and like my life just the way it is. I spend enough time taking care of myself and my fiance. I also have several married friends who share the same sentiment as I.

I've talked to my friends who have kids. I ask them if they regret having kids... not a one would regret having kids. When I tell them I'm planning on not having kids, I generally get a positive response. Thing is with having kids - you can't undo it. There's no backspace key... no days off. At most, my friends with kids just wish they could have a day off.. a break or something... but there's no such thing.

I'm 30.. and I will not be reproducing. I'm very happy with that... if, for some reason, I change my mind - I'd adopt. I have a rescued dog, and she's great.
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