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Old 06-21-2007, 08:20 PM
pergesu pergesu is offline
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Default Re:\'s 13 keys to a Perfect First Date

ask her out at the end of the 1st date

i didnt see that part. dont do that.

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disagree, if a date went fine/good, say "hey lets do x next week" for sure

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Nah, this is one game i will play w/ them.

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If I'm still feeling like games have to be played after a first date, I'll usually figure that's a sign I should take my business elsewhere.

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I never set up another date at the end of a date. It's not to play games, but because I genuinely don't know. I mean, at the end of the date I "know" I want another one, but that's because I'm having lots of fun and there are good emotions yadda yadda. I like to give myself a day or two to settle down, process things, and think about whether or not I really wanna see that chick again. This is mostly because I haven't had a bad first date in a really really long's not like I'm a pro, but it's pretty hard for me not to have a good time. But it's take some time for me to figure out how much I really enjoyed her company as opposed to whether I just had fun myself and she happened to be there.

Also I think this might vary based on age. My mom dates guys and she absolutely hates it if they go out on a date and he doesn't plan something that night. Or if he doesn't call for three days. And it's not the kind of hate where she's all confused and loves it when he finally's the kind of hate where she just won't talk to him. I've got a couple older (40+) single friends and that seems to be common among them. They also get more deeply involved more quickly. Seems like they all take a "cut the [censored]" attitude towards dating.
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