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Old 06-21-2007, 08:00 PM
kidcolin kidcolin is offline
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Default NBA players possibly on the stuff

The Tiger Woods thread got me thinking about roids/HGH in the NBA. The following is a list of players who I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they juiced in some manner. This isn't really guys I think do, just who wouldn't surprise me. In general I would guess that the NBA is the cleanest league out of MLB/NFL/NBA/NHL.

<u>Shaq</u> - In his prime he was an absolute tank. Just a behemoth. Bulked up a lot since his LSU days. Plus, he's black.

<u>Lebron James</u> - Probably the best physique the NBA has ever seen. Thick, strong, fast, he's got it all. It's damn near the perfect NBA body. Here's why I wouldn't be surprised. This kid was on everyone's NBA map when he was a freshman in HS, still just a skinny little babyfaced teen. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if he got started on a controlled HGH treatment to make sure he got the size and height he needed to dominate in order to maximize his worth. Plus, he's black.

<u>Nene</u> - Another insane physique. He's like the missing link between LBJ and Shaq. Whips himself into shape after an injury very quickly. Black + Brazilian, a lethal combination of ill behavior and unethical advantage taking.

<u>Ben Wallace</u> - Undrafted, had to work extremely hard to get into the league. The improvements steroids and HGH could offer could be too costly to pass up. Now he's one of the strongest guys in the league. Full on black with afro and everything.

<u>Steve Nash</u> - Everyone ignores me on this one. I've been bringing it up for a while. First of all, have you seen the guy? He's pretty cut up. Secondly, he began improving dramatically at the age of 30 and peaked at 32, probably when he juiced the most. Thirdly, he had a mean streak to him this year. His temper would just flare up out of nowhere. Suspiciously not black, but he was born in Africa.

<u>Players I don't suspect in the least</u>
Kyle Korver
Steve Blake
Dan Dickau
Brad Miller
Paul Pierce (so uncut, it's almost embarassing)

Thoughts? Who else?
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