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Old 06-21-2007, 01:44 PM
adios adios is offline
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Default Re: How do you solve the Health Care problem in the U.S.?

Maybe a gambling type model would be better. Something like the UK where they have lotteries for who gets treatment:

Thousands losing sight in NHS postcode lottery

Thousands of elderly people are losing their sight because of the postcode lottery for drugs to treat the leading cause of blindness.

A survey of eye specialists found less than half are able to obtain treatments which have been shown to either stabilise or improve the eyesight of nine out of 10 patients with wet age-related macular degeneration (wet AMD).

Even those doctors who can get the drugs, sold as Lucentis and Macugen, are only able to obtain them in certain circumstances.

Only around one in five of the 19,000 patients who may benefit are getting the drugs - leaving around 15,000 unable to get them because of where they live.
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