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Old 06-20-2007, 09:18 PM
Tigermoth Tigermoth is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 92
Default Re: Music- Why the hell can\'t we have more Bob Dylans?

Myrtle, I argued about the same thing in my essay for the GMAT, only particularly about the Velvet Underground's influence on two different decades of music, and how it was completely different at least in part to the socio-political atmospheres of those times.

We also have to consider that we are comparing music now to music that has been around at least 20 years. There are problems inherent in that. Perhaps, 20 years from now, people will be listening to Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera and thinking, "Those kids could rock." Actually, probably not those two, but there are other groups that are popular right now that I can see being classics and on the same level as Dylan in 20 years. Radiohead is almost there, if they aren't already. The Pixies are there, or should be. Those two, and a few more, will be my generation's classics, and if I'm lucky, my kids will sing (if you can call it that) their music with me like I sang Dylan, Joni Mitchell, and Joan Baez with my mother.

mflip, I concur about there being true lyricists in the rap world.
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