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Old 06-20-2007, 05:12 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: June\'s \"Beaches & Sunsets\" thread

Come on now, you must know I'm not talking about me. I've taken torrents of abuse in OOT and I'm both still here and still a prolific poster. This isn't about me.

Other people aren't necessarily like that, or like you. We are forum survivors in a way. We can take the baloney. Others just disappear. Some make an announcement of it. We just had someone saying they would never come back last week, because of some trivial something with pryor. It's not the first time I've seen that. I'm just saying that if you make threads that you KNOW will piss people off and encourage them to develop and hold grudges and be on their worst behavior, you might as well consider the consequences. In a forum like politics or BB4L, an uproar might be welcome and appropriate. (One reason I don't go to politics.) In OOT, it's at least not unexpected. Here, well, it's a good idea to be clear about what you want the forum to be. If you have shizophrenic goals, you will get schizophrenic results.

Plus, bear in mind that it's the negative things people remember most. It takes very little negative to wipe out a huge amount of positive feelings and goodwill.
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