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Old 06-20-2007, 05:02 PM
Triumph36 Triumph36 is offline
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Default Re: German vs. American Drivers - A Trip Report and Call to Arms

On American urban highways, the middle lane often functions as the 'right lane', with the right lane being a kind of merging on/off lane, as well as a passing lane for those adventerous enough to try to pass that way. On four-lane highways, the relationship gets more complicated.

Still, people just don't get out of the way in the left lane - it's always amusing to me to see State Police who routinely drive 80+ in the left lane try to move [censored] drivers over who don't understand that the cop doesn't care if you speed up to get out of his way, so long as you just get out of his way. People don't pay enough attention on the road, and they're convinced that every other driver is wrong/bad (e.g. George Carlin's brilliant idiot/maniac distinction - everyone who drives slower is an idiot, everyone who drives faster is a maniac).
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