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Old 06-20-2007, 08:30 AM
TheEngineer TheEngineer is offline
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Default Re: Antigua Files for Remedies- $3.4 billion per year in intellectual

And Engineer(should I call you The Engineer), can we slip into this week's action plan contacting newspapers, radio call in shows, and magazines? I think if instead of calling or writing Congress this week, we pick a radio talk show and call in trying to get some play on this. If we can get people to think of this issue in terms of pandering to the religous right is costing the US economy 10-11 figures a year, we could see more political pressure come to bear. Im trying to call into Washington Journal this morning on CSPAN, and I'll do Talk of the Nation this afternoon. I am writing my local paper and The National Review when I get enough information and some more lengthy news stories to reference my letters to.

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Either "Engineer" or "TheEngineer" is fine, of course.

We already have an action item to contact newspapers and other media, so we're probably okay for now. You're correct that we'll likely wish to update the actions to reflect these trade issues. I'll wait for a few replies to these threads and will use that data to develop the updated plan. After all, I don't make these up, then give marching orders. Rather, we make the plan as a team and I post them as the group plan (I ask for input, use polls, and otherwise glean direction from the posts here).

I'm calling my congressman and both senators today. I may call Paulson as well (I tried yesterday). I hope everyone here will as well.
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