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Old 06-20-2007, 02:05 AM
SmileyEH SmileyEH is offline
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Default Re: n00b posts workout videos,, gets help?

Squats look pretty good, but your lower back is rounding at the bottom - tight hamstrings. Everyone has this problem including me. Stretch after you lift everytime, probably wouldn't hurt to stretch before bed too. In the meantime I'd suggest you don't go so deep (still past parallel though). As well, I don't think you should descend so fast, no need to take a 5 count on the way down, but still a little more control would be better. You are exploding up which is good. Bar position looks fine.

Deadlift, I couldn't really tell very well from the clip. It does look like you might be lifting with your back too much. Remember to not let your hips rise faster than your shoulders on the way. For the negative portion you look fine, no need to come down in a super slow negative and you're keeping the bar under control. As long as your lower back keeps its arch you should be fine.

Ditch the gloves for some chalk moran!
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