Thread: 6/18 Rio gossip
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Old 06-19-2007, 06:15 PM
smeeks smeeks is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 49
Default Re: 6/18 Rio gossip

Let him go on like what? His wife seemingly likes him, she is with him travelling most of the time. He makes enough money with books, appearances, charity events and the occasional cash that he apparently isn't homeless. He doesn't rob or steal to support his habit. So he has to bum money to support his craps habit. Probably BECAUSE people who care about him manage his "living" money since they know he has gambling issues.

He does have gambling issues, obviously. What would you expect him to do? Stay out of casinos? He is certainly not the only famous person with a leak, and his leak would appear to be less harmful than most. He is clean, well-dressed, doesn't stink, has a family, apparently eats on a regular basis.......and can't keep away from the craps table.

So what.
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