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Old 06-19-2007, 02:58 PM
J.A.Sucker J.A.Sucker is offline
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Default Re: Weighty issue I feel powerless to handle (Longest Post Ever OMG)

Why are you being so scared? You have two solutions to this problem:

1. Realize that this isn't going anywhere. You can then decide whether to keep at it and enjoy it for what it is, or you get the hell out of Dodge. This is strictly your call.

2. You realize that you really love this girl and want to marry her. If this is the case, then stand up for yourself. Tell her that she must accept you, what you're all about, and what you look like. Her parents don't, and probably won't ever do so. This is gonna strain her relationship with her parents. She has to get over this if she's gonna marry you. Otherwise, you guys are just being cowards. You should tell the parents to either accept you or go to hell. If the girl can't handle this, forget her. Things WILL NOT ever get better. Believe me.

While it sounds like I'm being harsh here, I'm not. I've seen this scenario play out too many times. All I can say is that if you or your girl can't handle your relationship and the possible drama that it will cause externally, then you guys can't handle it together. If you and your girl aren't capable of going at these problems head-on, then you don't love each other enough anyway. You can't change her parents and they will always resent you. Deal with it. If your girl accepts you, then fine. If not and if she won't accept that her parents don't love the man she does, then you're in a world of trouble (or will be). Deal with it.