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Old 06-19-2007, 10:59 AM
GTL GTL is offline
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Default Re: Weighty issue I feel powerless to handle (Longest Post Ever OMG)

I have a little bit of experience with a slightly similar situation. My cousin has been dating a girl who he will most likely marry for the past 7 years. She is egyptian, although she moved here when she was very young and is "american". Her parents are divorced, but her dad is a devout muslim who believes that she should be married to an egyptian. She kept my cousin a secret for many years, and then the father finally found out. He threatened to disown her, but she wasn't budging, and he has now begrudgingly accepted the relationship.

The big difference, is that she always said that her dad was never going to run her life. She hated the fact that he wanted to set her up with an Egyptian and was willing to be disowned if he didn't accept my cousin.

How could you be with a woman who would be willing to let her mother prostitute her? This is the question you need to ask yourself.

Edit - The practical thing that your girlfriend should do immediately is to tell the Boss that she isn't going to marry him under any circumstances. This should be a lot easier than dealing with the mother and will relieve a bit of stress for the time being. If she isn't willing to do this, I would seriously consider leaving the relationship.