Thread: Remakes
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Old 06-19-2007, 02:09 AM
Coffee Coffee is offline
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Default Re: Remakes

Ocean's Eleven proved that there is value in some remakes. However, not nearly as many as there are. That said, I would certainly like to see a few movies remade, particularly if they were dependent on special effects that could be more believably realized today.

However, movies that were astoundingly good in their time tend to still be good today...see also Citizen Kane, Gone with the Wind, Psycho. The most troublesome aspect of many remakes is the fact that the casting and the directing choices play a far larger role in the lasting success of a movie. It's the same reason why covers of songs are usually never better than the original...the composer/director tends to have his finger on the truth behind the art itself, rather than just the technical proficiency to sound the correct notes.
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