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Old 03-01-2006, 03:02 PM
Emmitt2222 Emmitt2222 is offline
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Default Open Challenge March: Signups

Time for signups again. This time I have included the rules in the post because apparently people are too lazy to read linked rules. Just post how many hands you think you can put in this month. I am abstaining because I will be playing SnG's and I have no idea how many I will be able to play.

1. Everyone puts in how many hands they think they will play and then I will pick who will be matched up fairly unless people specifically challenge each other. If need be, there can be handicaps or several people taking on one person, but this must be set at the beginning of the month and can not be changed afterwards.
2. I will put up the thread to report total numbers every thursday [even next thursday]. I do not need your week total numbers, but all of the hands you have played up until that point in the month. You have until Sunday night at 11:59pm to report or you will lose 1k hands from your final total [unless you have a really good reason or I am told beforehand]. The results for the week will be posted every monday.
3. All hands will count for any game that you are a winner or trying to learn/win at. All live hands count as 35/hour and all hands that you don't/can't put into poker tracker online like some tournies or SNGs I think should count as 50/table/hour to err on the side of caution
4. Whoever wins at the end of the month chooses the other's avatar and location, but it must not be something so offensive so as to get anyone banned. There will also be one standard issue avatar that everyone can use if they wish instead of finding their own. Creativity is still encouraged though.
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