Thread: river
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Old 06-18-2007, 02:43 PM
bicyclekick bicyclekick is offline
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Default Re: river

It depends what kind of person he/she is in my opinion. There are a lot of vegas people that will almost never raise you on a bluff here, but also given you're going to be there for a number of days in a row, often playing with the same people, call now and work from there. In a vacuum it's to a fold, but it's not really a big deal and seeing showdowns in those types of games is good.

I mean, ace 4 or pocket 4's seems like hands these guys would play like that and they are generally not the type to all of a sudden get creative on the river if they had something like T8 and picked up a bigger draw on the turn.

Still though, should call this time.
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