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Old 06-18-2007, 06:14 AM
diebitter diebitter is offline
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Default Re: Things you miss (or don\'t) about the place you grew up

I grew up in London and do miss it. Not so much childhood, which was fine, but more teendom and early adulthood.

It always feels fantastic to hit those ultra-busy streets now and again, and I remember being young and every tube ride into the centre of London was an adventure. I remember sitting in Hyde Park on a sunny day with girls just watching the world go by, and lstening to the loonies at Speaker's Corner, going to the Natural History Museum an awful lot of days just because I loved learning about animals and dinosaurs, going to cool.

What can I say? I used to go to awesome comedy gigs and music gigs (so many to choose from in London), I saw the best gig I've been to at the 100 club on Oxford street, I met my wife less than a quarter of a mile away in a club on Wardour Street, and I saw a ton of films I'd never get a chance to see elsewhere at a repertory cinema also on Wardour street (errr I think...).

I'm not one of those sad acts that bang on about how great their home city is tho (scousers, please take note).
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