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Old 06-18-2007, 03:00 AM
Evan Evan is offline
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Default Re: Possible Facebook IPO: History reapeating itself?


"maxtower, with all due respect, how could you possibly know how much facebook makes in ad revenue."

I dunno, maybe he has super secret insider sources like THE WALL STREET F'ING JOURNAL AND EVERY TECH BUSINESS BLOG IN THE WORLD

[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe I've just been reading the wrong stuff or I skimmed something too quickly, but I haven't seen any concrete numbers. Everything I've read has been guesswork similar to what Kedrosky posted. It looks like I'm probably wrong. The last "real" number I saw was in the TechCrunch post about Yahoo's buyout offer where they say 2005 was $9.5 million. After that it's all estimates. That's such a far cry from what's being talked about these days (like 500 mil) that I assumed he was working off something else. Again, maybe I was wrong and maybe I've missed news. I never claimed to know everything about this company, I just thought it was an interesting topic.
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