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Old 06-17-2007, 05:06 AM
Runkmud Runkmud is offline
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Default Re: Brandi: Why does she bother?

Oh, and as to whether Brandi can recover her reputation, I'd say that is a no. Aside from the fact that the majority of NVGers are younger and enjoy this kind of drama, it's the same reason many people want to see Paris Hilton rot in jail. People like to watch the beautiful burn.

Keep in mind, most of the forum had no clue who Brandi was until she chose to drop drama bombs here. Her best bet would be to remain silent on the forums, show some class and humility in interviews. Will this help the forum forget her, no, they will never forget, but it can only help.

Edited to add:

Btw thanks for the contextual quote, you managed to take the one complimentary sentence out of that diagnosis, while completely ignoring the rest.

I'm not into forum wars, I'll concede. Katy you come across as possibly the most friendly person on 2+2, but I really think that your desire to defend a young "innocent" is perhaps clouding your view.
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