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Old 06-16-2007, 08:11 PM
luckyme luckyme is offline
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Default Re: Adopted by Chimps

The book "The Tree of Knowledge: the Biological Roots of Human Understanding" addresses exactly this phenomenon, and their conclusion is largely a "no" answer to the OP's question. I highly recommend it; the authors Maturana and Varela are both PhD biologists, and they know their stuff. Some of their insights will really make you question what "being human" really means.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, put in on my list.

In general, intelligent social mammals seem fairly malleable in their adjustment to their early environment and I'd expect a human child to fit quite well into most social structures. Keeping up the physical pace may be too tough though.

As far as 'being human', i tend to go with the 'acts like one' measure as one of the important ones but their is no definitive one.

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