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Old 06-16-2007, 07:44 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Brandi: Why does she bother?

Your desire to be impartial is admirable, Katy, but most of the folks responding here are saying that you've probably chosen the wrong subject.

I really think you are falling into the trap you yourself are here criticizing "men" as a whole sex for falling into when you label those responders en masse as incapable of being fair or making distinctions of any real granularity.

What they are saying is that it is YOU who is not making the fine distinctions necessary to judge the subject. There is a difference between what Brandi is merely accused of, and what she has admitted directly. This is a subject the guys have been clearer and more forthcoming on than it sounds like you have, so it is unfair not to give them credit for that.

In short, I think you have taken a fairly concrete matter and muddied it up by turning it inappropriately into a kind of gender-war thing. This is not to say some of the guys haven't been sloppy too, but it's just incorrect to say they all have, or that "that's what guys do" or the like. You seem to have personalized and sexualized the argument inappropriately, which ironically is exactly what you're accusing "men," as if they were some sort of monolothic block, of doing.

We don't all necessarily think along such convenient lines. We're more complicated than that, just like you are.
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