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Old 06-16-2007, 10:45 AM
apefish apefish is offline
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Default Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt

I appreciate Gild's unbiased eye in this process.
I do however disagree with the assessment that the process of determining who is owed what is potentially a monumental one.
Someone- perhaps Gild- used the term "chain of bots".
If there is a linked chain of accounts for this it is reasonable to assume they were all caught/shut-down at a similar time.
In BeatMe's case we actually have a date for that. The first email informing that the account was closed and the funds were being redistributed to compensate the victims happened I think on May 25th (without checking to be sure.)
That means that presumably Full Tilt has been working on this part of the issue for over three weeks.
Again I will reiterate that their position has been from the beginning "case closed" with no dialogue with the account in question.
Surely there can be no good reason to claim funds without discourse and state the funds are being used to compensate victims if in fact they don't immediately start working on the redistribution from the moment of seizure.

That puts us past three weeks.
They didn't wait for Gild to clear the evidence right? No dig at Gild meant here at all, it's just that Full Tilt wasn't going to reverse their position if Gild said "I'm not sure" and 2+2 said "WE KNEW IT!!"...all hail the mighty and powerful hypnotoad notwithstanding.
So somewhere someone should have been formulating methods and running calculations this entire time on a finite number of people who may be owed some money .
I bet even Howard Lederer himself has an abacus he could loan out if they need it.

In addition- nobody is going to seriously suggest that Full Tilt has less ability to track an account's opponents than the average poker player who owns some programs like poker tracker.

What I am getting at is they shouldn't have to simply create the process for refunds now. Surely something has been in place before. Whether or not this is the first seizure of this magnitude at Full Tilt for activity of this kind they certainly must have some system set up for these eventualities.
Or they are simply winging it.

Either of which brings me in a long roundabout way to my point.
I am going to step out on a limb here and say that Full Tilt has the capacity to sort this out in an acceptable way that doesn't drag out for months.
Note: I am not saying they will... I am saying they have the capacity if they so choose.

Now would be a good time to so choose.
If "a chain of bots or bot accounts" is accurate in regards to this issue- then we are not talking about 70K- we are talking likely into the hundreds of thousands somewhere that has been seized.
That is such a non-insignificant number that Full Tilt has to do better than they would on smaller issues.
That means some combination of accuracy and timeliness that beats their month/months average on more trivial issues.

If they claim they lack capacity, I worry still about their processes.
If they simply didn't get started until they realized it was going to be a big public deal they don't deserve a walk under the guise of "gee this is really tough and honestly it hasn't happened before but we'll see what we can do".
They said in the late May email that seizure was for compensation of victims.
Now is not the time to let them off the hook just because people are more convinced they got this one right.
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