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Old 06-16-2007, 03:15 AM
gull gull is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Default Re: doing bad at ucsd

Sounds tough.

Don't resort to cheating.

Like mrTEA said, I thought the math requirements for econ were pretty minor (just like Math 20A-20C and then I guess econometrics).

I would echo the above sentiment to try working harder. I know it's tough, but I know other people like you who have been able to turn things around. Try to really understand the material throughout the class; definitely don't just cram right before tests. It's great that you go to class.

A degree in history is better than no degree at all. If you like history, and econ is giving you trouble, I say switch to history. If you're not great at math, then history may be more your cup of tea. Econ (from what I know) doesn't have a whole ton of math, but it does involve a lot of mathematical thinking.

Good luck.
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