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Old 06-15-2007, 08:31 PM
David H David H is offline
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Default Teen pregnancy (Or:I\'m too young to be a dad)

**Cliff notes**
My girlfriend thinks she might be pregnant, I have no idea what to think.
**Cliff notes**

We're both 17...I'll be 18 in a week and a half.

Well, the last 4 or 5 days my girlfriend has been feeling a little sick. I don't think she's had any vomiting, she's just nauseous.

We have sex probably once or twice a week on average. We ALWAYS use a condom(well...there was one time we didn't...but that was for 10-15 seconds, and it was months ago. Not a factor right now.) Anyways, we always use a condom. We always use it correctly. There was 1 time where I kept going after I ejaculated, maybe 5-7 seconds max.

So she's been feeling nauseous and whatnot since about Sunday. In addition to this she just "has a feeling" that she is pregnant. She isn't supposed to start her period until the beginning of the month, so it's still too early for a pregnancy test. I plan on buying a few though, and have her take one in a few days, then another near the end of the month.

I hate to post this here, everyone is probably just thinking "Wow nobody wants to read this [censored]" but I don't know who else to ask for advice or any knowledge on the subject. My friends know jack-[censored] about this kind of stuff, and I definitely can't ask my mom...her parents will kill us if we brought it up. especially since we aren't certain, we do not want to get them concerned if it's going to turn out fine.

She's definitely getting on birth control when we know for sure that she isn't pregnant.

What does OOT think? Pregnant, not pregnant? Anything I can do besides sit and sit for another week or two? I would really appreciate any kind of advice or anything you can tell me about the situation.
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