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Old 06-15-2007, 06:25 PM
G Street G Street is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 118
Default Re: *** The Well: Georgia Avenue ***

Rake: My roomate is wrong as always, there is no max weight. If she's cute, she's cute. Don't discriminate, CELEBRATE!

Spaceman: I like all bunnies, but I like white ones with brown spots best. I babysat my parents' friend's bunny when I was a kid and I fed him lettuce and he ran around my yard and chased my cat. Unlike many bunnies he was very nice and we became friends after he bit my sister.

My favorite cartoon as a kid was GI Joe. I wasn't allowed to watch many cartoons, so I basically only watched that one. The most traumatic moment of my life was when my dad wouldnt let me watch the GI Movie on TV for no good reason. Then my mom said I could but he caught me and we both got in trouble. VICTIMIZATION innit?

I don't know any Vietnamese and don't worry, I don't go for asian chicks...not sure why, it may be racism, or maybe just that they are all too skinny.

Gstreet: Where would I have put a saucer? What a stupid question. Who uses saucers anyway?

jiggY: I give myself an 8 on the sad scale. Out of 5. You are my everything.

CP: That dance is called the Roboboogie. It must only be performed in mixed games when you suck out playing donktacularly. Which lady friend, pics plz.


[/ QUOTE ]

BOOO! As you know G A a woman's weight and physical prowess can really limit/enhance the spectrum of options you have in the arena of physical love. Since I don't get around as much as you I have to be rather selective where some traits are concerned. We've all got our boundaries... well not you, but all the rest of us.
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