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Old 06-15-2007, 03:42 PM
DMC0627 DMC0627 is offline
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Default question regarding smoking at a home poker game

I was playing in a home game for the second time last night. I was invited by someone who was a friend of a friend. I specifically asked (the host) if smoking was allowed before I went, I have asthma and am unable to tolerate smoke. I was told that there was no smoking in the house and went to the first game, all went fine.

Last night, I bought in and heard them talking about a guy running late, he would pay the entry when he arrived and to blind him off. I was playing for about a half hour, and there were already 2 people knocked out. I had tripled up with a nut flush vs. a set and a lower flush, and 3 out of the 10 people get in the money, so eight of us were left with me being big stack.

Late guy arrives, immediately lights up (seated right next to me too). I really don't want any problems, esp since a friend referred me to the game, but there is no way I can breathe with this going on. The host was still in the game so I couldn't pull him aside to ask about it, but I said, I have asthma, do you guys mind if we break and would you mind finishing your cigarette outside? I really didn't know what to do, it wasn't my home, and this guy was clearly good friends with the host.

The host said, uh oh, I forgot to tell you we have one chain smoker, he doesn't come much so I didn't think about it. The smoker says, well, I can't play without smoking which is why I don't go to the casino, and I have never had a problem here. The host asks if I mind changing seats, but cmon, the smoke is still going to bother me. 2 other guys say the smoke bothers them but they haven't ever said anything, now smoker is getting irate.

I felt very uncomfortable at this point and just wanted to leave, but was the big stack and had bought in ($50) and didn't think it was fair to walk away. I figured I would suggest I leave, and I thought the host would offer to take the $50 out of the prize pool to give me my money back, and blind me off, which I thought would be fair. So I said, you know what, I am new here, I don't want to cause problems, why don't I just leave. At this point, the 2 guys who said smoke bothered them said the smoker should leave and just get his money back, since he hadn't played any hands yet and I had.

The smoker got angry, said to keep the f***ing money, and stormed out, leaving me feeling awkward. At the end of the night, the host apologized and said that he would find out in advance if smoker was gonna play and let me know, so we didn't come on the same night. Obv he is gonna get first consideration instead of me, but what do you think about the situation? I feel a little uncomfortable going back, but both times I went, I got in the money, and this game is literally a couple of minutes from my house. I think that asking in advance if he will be there would work, but I also heard he "drops in late" sometimes, and just pays the entry and the blinds when he gets there, so sometimes its not clear whether he will be there or not.
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