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Old 06-15-2007, 05:52 AM
CardSharpCook CardSharpCook is offline
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Default Re: OK, Here\'s The Truth

Based on the reactions of some here, I feel that my latest post was misunderstood. I'd like it to be known that I have every intention of compensating Mark.
Since he has told others that he will not accept my money, I have decided to delegate David to give it to him. This way not only will Mark not have an option about taking the money, but I too will have a witness to this transaction and finally be able to have a sense of closure.
What he does with the money or what he says about me after that is up to him. At least I will have piece of mind.

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already delegating duties to david? jesus you work fast!

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yeah, I saw that too. No need to use a big word when a small one will do. "ask" means what you want "delegate" to mean. Also, "reimburse" is probably better than "compensate." "compensate" "I'll compensate losing your 30k by offering teh butseks" "reimburse" is unambiguous. Of course partial reimbursement is all you're offering.

The 30k situation is so odd. Look at it in Vegas terms: Newhouse gave his hussy free access to his monies and allowed her to play as she would. No one expects the hussy to feel accountable for the loss. As much as she wants to be seen differently, Brandi still probably thinks in these terms. On the flip side, I have my stars account with password saved. My roommate could log on at any time. Of course, if he ever did, and I ever found out, he'd be responsible for any losses. If I were to say for some reason, "I don't mind if you play X games provided that you lose no more than $X", then he'd only be liable for losses greater than X.

The questions none of us really know the answer to are:

1) Was Brandi Newhizzle's hussy at the time?
2) Did Newhizzle set monetary or game limitations?
and why not...
3) Is it really as Brandi says: Newhizzle lost the money himself.
or if you prefer her other story...
4) Was Newhizzle "coaching" her at the time - all decisions his?
but most importantly...
5) Will Brandi fly someday?
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