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Old 06-14-2007, 05:08 AM
Gonso Gonso is offline
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Default Re: What should the dealer do? What would you want them to do?

What is the "tap" about ? Professional dealers shouldn't be tapping the table at all, really (a little more acceptable in a multi-way pot with raises). Heads up, the dealer should be able to follow the action without the tapping.

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The "tap, burn, turn" procedure is used in every Atlantic City poker room, without exception. More than that, the dealer schools teach this procedure.

But you don't know my experience, yet you make an assumption that the new guy must be wrong....

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Well, in my case, I don't have to "assume" anything, because my experience gives me more than enough expertise to "know" you're wrong. Your experience (whatever it might be), is clearly not in dealing poker, so it's pretty much irrelevant.

And it is not in dealer manuals.

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That's nonsense, and I think you've never opened a dealer manual in your life. I have the manuals from Professional Dealers School and the dealing program at the local college here (the two largest dealing schools in my area). The PDS Handbook Youtalk mentioned (certainly the best poker dealing text I've ever seen) notes this several times also. Page 24: "After each round of betting, lightly tap the table to indicate to players that you are about to deal."

This is something I see at the tables all the time-- a player who does not know dealing procedures (but thinks he does) giving the dealer a hard time.

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This is basically what you're doing now. You don't know the rules, but are trying to argue as if you do. Do you actually have any experience in a live poker room at all (live players should be used to seeing this)? Where exactly are you playing where you don't see any dealers tap before burning cards? Or what rulebook says that you shouldn't?

In fact, who told you this in the first place? Where did you get it from?

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