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Old 06-14-2007, 03:28 AM
youtalkfunny youtalkfunny is offline
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Default Re: What should the dealer do? What would you want them to do?


In your world, is it true that "professional" accountants should not need erasers on their pencils? Any accountant who uses an eraser was not properly trained, right?

Why pay for guardrails? Just train the drivers to do a better job of staying on the road!

By the way, if you're going to visit and insist that " it is not in dealer manuals," you should at least read the dealer manual published by 2+2. On page 84 of 2+2's "The Professional Poker Dealer's Handbook", under the heading "Burning a Card", you will find the following:

1. Always tap the table before you burn. This is to notify the players of your intent so that they can stop your action should the betting be incomplete.

I like they put a big 1 in front of it, because they think it's important.

(I wish I could give proper credit to the 2+2 poster who once said, "When you see a thread that was supposed to be dead by now, bumped back to the top with a lot of replies, be sure to open it. You'll find gold, every time.)
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