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Old 06-13-2007, 02:26 PM
CrazyEyez CrazyEyez is offline
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Default Rescue Me: S04E01 6/13

This is my favorite show and I'm jacked for tonite's premier. This show really should have more fans. I hardly know anyone who watches it. It's a great blend of comedy and drama. Leary is sensational. Please tune in for a few episodes if you never have before. There's nothing else on tv right now anyway.

Here's a recap of what was going on at the end of last season. I'm going from memory so correct me if I'm wrong.

Lou was going to quit and move to Florida to work on his brother's boat. But he got cold feet and he's staying in the dept.

Probie was going to transfer since he was sick of the gay jokes. But he realized he "loves" the guys so he decided to stay.

Franco I think took a lieutenant's exam, but IIRC he failed, so he's staying as well.

Chief Reilly had a heart attack. IIRC all the guys hated his replacement. But I believe Chief is recovering well.

Sean married Tommy's psycho sister Maggie.

Janet is prego. We don't know whether the baby is Tommy's or Johnny's.

Johnny was murdered. Tommy had been sober for awhile, but I think it was shortly after the murder that he strolled into a bar and ordered about 23 fingers of irish whiskey. I don't recall if that was a one time deal, or if he's fully back drinking now.

And finally, since it looked like everyone was leaving the house anyway, Sheila was able to convince Tommy to quit and live with her in a beach house. But when everyone else's plans fell through, Tommy decided to stay on. Sheila no likey. I think he may also have told her that he was getting back with Janet, but I can't remember for sure. Sheila went nuts and drugged him (again) and inadvertantly set the house on fire in a lunatic rage while Tommy was passed out.

I think those are the major plot points, but I'm sure I've forgotten some. I've read that Jennifer Esposito will be part of the cast this season. That's enough to convince me that a "Women of Rescue Me" post is in order. I will compose said post at a future time when I'm not at work.

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