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Old 06-13-2007, 09:20 AM
Kharnage Kharnage is offline
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Default Re: ARRGHHH

SUNSHINE a bit spoiler-ish

Noticed that someone mentioned Sunshine earlier on. Happened to catch it a while ago (us release date seems to be 20 july while it was out in april over here). From the same writer/director team as 28 days later, we follow the second team sent to "reboot" a dying sun (Don't dismiss it because of this idiotic-sounding plot). The first part of this movie is great and resembles good old space operas like 2001. Cillian Murphy is good as always and the rest of the ensemble (yeoh, curtis, evans (johnny storm)) is good as well.

So you are sitting there enjoying a good movie then suddenly with 20 mins left the movie turns into this kind of wierd alien/slasher/horror ending. I still enjoyed it though 7/10, but it could have been so much better.