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Old 06-13-2007, 12:25 AM
john voight john voight is offline
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Default Re: ARRGHHH

I will elaborate on Knocked Up:

Why is it Good? It essentially is a smart goofball comedy. By "goofball" I don't really mean a Marx Brother's type of thing; more of a wedding crasher/old school type of thing.

Now IMO, the reason it is good is the humor works correctly. The jokes are delivered in a spot on fashion (see that other guys write up for examples). Secondly, on a global level the humor is darkish; all these ppl are [censored] up (not wanting to age, scared of life in general, insecurities).

The Plot/Story is Smart? Well its not a pro or anti abortion movie. If you think it is anti abortion, you possibly a la radical? The movie uses the person getting knocked up for the true story; which is the progress/development of life.

Start of the movie, the guy is a stoner w/o anything much going on in life, and the chick is just a pretty girl who is not very independent (but is following a "standard" path in life). At the end of the movie, this is hardly the case. While they still retain their personalities/ways, they have matured greatly.

My Conclusion It is very rare for a comedy of this type to deliver now a days. IMO 40yo virgin was a below average (maybe average) movie, just like the rest of the non-stellar movies. Really I cant recall a great pure comedy in the last two years (little miss sunshine was awesome, bad IMO was drama/comedy). So because it was actually funny throughout, and was thinking beyond 1 liners throughout the jokes, I felt it was great. Add in a great story, and it really puts the movie in a class of its own in the modern mainstream "goofball" genre.

It transcends the "goofball" genre that targets teens and drunk frat boys (maybe it isn't a goof ball movie after all?); and would be a recommendation for any adult in his 40s or 50s.

All of that said, I do not feel this is an amazing movie (like 90% of the critics think). I mean it is great, great, great, and could be amongst the better movies of the year, but IMO it is not material that will remain ageless (maybe I am spoiled).

Never the less, I highly recommend it to any movie watcher, not just the "targeted" audience.