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Old 06-12-2007, 05:24 PM
Copernicus Copernicus is offline
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Default Re: Why are so many college students far-left liberals or socialists?


Isn't this one pretty obvious?

If you are not deeply religious and don't have children, what attraction does social conservatism have?

If you don't have much in the way of financial assets, responsibilities, or income, what attraction does economic conservatism have?

Unless you are indoctrinated into a particular tradition as a child, I don't understand why any college student would be a conservative.

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Politics is never discussed at my house, and my son's only exposure to politics was school courses. The vast majority of his friends were/are liberal, despite coming from conservative, high middle income families. Somehow he managed to see far enough ahead that transfer payments will screw him if he's successful. If he can get there Im sure many others ca as well.
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