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Old 06-12-2007, 04:23 PM
swede123 swede123 is offline
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Default Re: My least important album: what\'s yours?

I'm too young to have a significant album collection but the following are my least important CDs.

I found this disc in a parking lot sometime. I took it home and listened through it and was amazingly unimpressed with Shaq's rapping skills. I haven't listened to it since that first time, but due to my somewhat obsessive passion for collecting stuff I haven't made myself get rid of it.

This one came with getting married (what a deal) as my wife had at some point decided to buy this very bad cd. Once again, I'm too anal to throw it away.

This album qualifies as one of my least important simply due to the fact that it's still in the shrink wrap some 14 years after it arrived in the mail. It was a BMG cd of the month that somehow didn't get cancelled or returned; instead I just hung on to it for a decade and a half and multiple cross country moves and have still not listened to it.

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