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Old 06-11-2007, 07:32 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Default Re: do you talk to your therapist about poker?


on this subject, i just started seeing someone and there are definitely things i don't tell my therapist about (for me it isn't poker, that's the easy stuff). this is weird, right? or i guess normal... but the stuff i most need to talk about it is sooooo hard to verbalize, because then it's like you accept that they are issues.

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It's very very important for you to just get it out. Putting it off is terrible. It's hard to explain exactly why, but I can give you a general idea.

1. You might feel guilty about telling him/her later because you will be revealing that you've been dishonest and this will lead to further putting it off
2. You might not want to break the image that you've created for your therapist because you are enjoying the current dynamic, which will cause you to put it off
3. You might find yourself spending your sessions delving into various issues that are not very important. This will later require you to reveal how unimportant all your previous heaping prattle has been, and that's a significant disincentive to really be honest.

Also, patients will often start to view their therapist as kind of a friend. This will cause problems and synergize will all the above factors to badly sabotage your therapy experience.

I sincerely apologize for how badly written my explanation is. I haven't slept for more than 24 hours (finals).

Best wishes,
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