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Old 06-11-2007, 01:06 AM
Assani Fisher Assani Fisher is offline
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Default The 10 college players I was most wrong about

Heres my list, feel free to add your own. Mine is going to be all NFL/NBA, but you can include any sport.

#10: JJ Redick- Its still early, so maybe I shouldn't count him yet. But I was firmly in the pro-Reddick camp(and I'm a UMD fan). I remember arguing last summer against all the people who called him just another Steve Kerr. I told them how Kerr never dreamed of scoring 25+ per game in college in the toughest conference in America, and that only a legit talent could do that.

#9: Mario Williams- Like Reddick, this one is still way too early, which is why I have them as only #9 and #10 on my list. But I thought that he had to be the real deal if they were taking him over Bush. I thought he'd be DROY for sure.

#8: Kenyon Martin- I only include him at #8 because he certainly hasn't been a total bust. But I really thought he'd be a superstar in the NBA.

#7: Marcus Fizer- From the same class as Martin. I thought he'd be another Charles Barkley. I'm still not sure how these guys were so amazing in college yet so average(Martin) or poor(Fizer) in the pros.

#6: Joe Smith- I am a Maryland fan, so what do you expect?

#5 Carmelo Anthony- I have no clue why I felt this way, but I thought he'd be a bust. Looking back, it was probably my worst prediction on this list because all facts pointed otherwise. I was just biased and didn't like him I think.

#4: Philip Rivers- If you remember correctly, he wasn't supposed to be a high first rounder until very late. In fact, Big Ben was very much thought to be the better prospect. Along with quite a few others, I thought he was a big reach. I thought he was a 2nd round talent.

#3: Carson Palmer- With so much talent round him at USC, I thought he had to be just another product of the system. I thought that Leftwich was the best QB of that draft class.

#2: Elton Brand- I thought he was a complete tweener and wouldn't be big enough for center or quick enough for PF. I thought Chicago made a huge mistake by not taking Francis #1(although I was obviously biased as a UMD fan and Duke hater).

#1: Mike Williams- Minnesota decided to go with Troy Williamson, and he slipped to the Skins. I was so happy....and when they drafted Carlos Rodgers instead, I almost stopped being a fan. I thougt BMW was going to be huge on the next level. I thought it was ridiculous that he was falling due to poor workout numbers. After all, just look at what he did on the field. I still have no clue how hes so bad.
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