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Old 06-10-2007, 05:37 PM
David H David H is offline
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Default So...Could I have diabetes?

I'm 17, almost 18. I'm about 5' 11" and I weigh about 200 LBs. I have a decent amount of body fat(it was measured at about 16% during wrestling season a few months ago.)

At my worst I weighed 250 LBs. I lost 60 Lbs in approximately 7 months(gained some back after wrestling season).

Anyways, last week I was having some weird appetite problems. I had about a 30 hour stretch where I had no desire to eat at all. After that my appetite was back to normal. My appetite is all over the place, some days I can eat non-stop, other days I am barely hungry at all. My girlfriend joked that I might have diabetes...I'm kind of worried this could be the case,

There's a history of it in my family. My aunt and my grandma(both on my dad's side) have it, and I believe a few people on my mom's side had it. Looking through the symptoms, I feel like I have a few.

Frequent urination, definitely.
Excessive thirst and extreme hunger, at times. I usually blamed this on my physical activity(boxing, running, etc) but even when I have a rather lazy day I can still be quite hungry. when working out, I get very, very thirsty. I attribute this to the fact that I sweat profusely.
Unusual weight loss, not so much. Like I said, I lost 60 LBs in 7 months last year(from February to September of '06, but I dieted and worked out a lot)
Increased fatigue. I am tired ALL THE TIME. My friends make fun of me for it, but I'm always tired. Today I woke up at 11:30 AM, and at 2:15 I felt ready for a nap.
Irritability, at times. I feel like there is external factors for this more often than not (IE hunger, fatigue). Not too often am I irritable for no apparent reason
Blurry vision. I have this, but I wear contacts. I always thought my prescription was slightly outdated. I also don't really know how blurry we would be talking here. If anything, I feel like my vision is more fuzzy than blurry.

Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm kind of worried, I really don't want to find out I have diabetes. I am planning on boxing rather seriously, and it would really suck if this stopped me from pursuing my dream.

If I do have diabetes, would kind of effect would it have regarding my boxing training? Would I still be able to box? I know Adam Morrison has diabetes and he's been successful playing college and NBA basketball. What effect does diabetes have on athletic training?

Yeah so I have a lot of questions I guess and most would be better for a doctor, but I figure there are some doctors here, and there are bound to be some diabetics here that could help.

Please don't just tell me "go to a doctor", I'll probably go in a week or two(I'm kind of scared what I'll find out, to be honest), but for now I just want OOT's input. On this note though...if I DO have diabetes, how much harm could I be doing to myself by not seeing a doctor ASAP?

Thanks a lot.
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