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Old 06-10-2007, 02:16 PM
TheWorstPlayer TheWorstPlayer is offline
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Default Re: Windsurfing: Yea, It\'s as cool as it sounds

I went for a few years every summer in Martha's Vineyard. Very awesome sport. Strongly encourage even non-athletic people to give it a go. As long as you have reasonable balance, you should be able to stay up with a little practice. So if you're not that adventurous, you can just go back and forth and treat it like a one-man sailboat. If you are more adventurous, you can really go fast and do tricks and stuff which is all very fun.

Amusing anecdote, in my first lesson my instructor broke his board trying to do a 'rail ride' where he turns the board on it's side (so flat side of board which is normally flat on top of the water is now perpendicular to the water and you are riding on the small edge of the board). Apparently he got his pay docked, but didn't really care cause he was just there to have a good time. Very cool dude.
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