Thread: Message to NVG
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Old 06-09-2007, 11:11 PM
Praetorian Card Praetorian Card is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 80
Default Re: Message to NVG


Some of the mistakes you have made in the past are not easily explained, especially to people who do not know you. Everyone is a critic, and critics base most of their criticism on interpretations of what they see. It is rare to find a well-rounded criticism. You will not find them here.
I feel that if you continue to try and defend the actions of your past, you will be fighting an uphill battle and you will never ever win. It is not a question of whether you or them are right. Your best bet is to come to the forum with an air of humility, repentance, and respect. That is the only way to receive apology and respect from others. It often takes a bigger man to come with a humble spirit before his judges and admit fault without hardness of heart, even when you do not agree that it is you who have committed 100% of the crime. Instead of saying "none of us are perfect", be content to say " I am not perfect ". No one will be able to cut that down. It forces each person so say to themselves, well neither am I. Do you see the difference?
Anyway, I think you should ask for a clean slate. Only then can you say "Let the sinless man throw the first stone." And I for one think that no one can be above letting someone else start fresh when they have realized their mistakes and have requested sincerely the opportunity to be better.

(But if you ask others to stop, you need to be willing to stop yourself. You can't say "dont call me whore!!" and then go around calling your peers whores. Why did you call Chantel a whore???)

[/ QUOTE ]

How much would it cost to view you, Chantel and Brandi in a threesome together? I am willing to bet we could collect in the low five figures from NVG posters.
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