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Old 06-09-2007, 11:01 PM
BlackRain BlackRain is offline
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Default Re: I don\'t play enough ... and I think I know why


Your situation describes mine to a tee. And I am also feeling that if I can't figure this out soon, I am going to go in a different direction in my life. Wish I could offer you some advice, but I haven't figured it out myself.

One small thing that has at least helped keep me from ever having short sessions is simply, never looking at my cashier, during play. You can still cut it short on those nothing will work days, to avoid tilt. But obv for a winning player, those days are rare. Most days you will be winning and only have a pretty rough estimate of how much in your head. This makes it easier to forget about it and focus on a time or # of hands target.
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