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Old 06-09-2007, 10:16 PM
PattdownManiac PattdownManiac is offline
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Default Re: Beat: had sleep paralysis this night

This happened to me once, but it was when I was trying to fall asleep. I heard a noise kind of like a car driving by outside, but it slowly got louder with less time inbetween until it was really loud and nonstop and my heart was pounding in unison. Then I opened my eyes and saw a black shadowy thing hovering over me and I couldn't move or scream.

I realized this was sleep paralysis and demons weren't holding me down, but it deffinately felt like there was some type of entity in the room screwing with me and enjoying my fear. So I closed my eyes, tried to relaxe and control my breathing, and the noises started to get quieter with more space between until they were gone and I could move again.

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