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Old 06-09-2007, 05:08 PM
SeaEagle SeaEagle is offline
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Default Re: Is chasing higher ranked hands ever justified?

I understand the concepts of pot odds and hand rankings based on mathematics, but if there is really no defense in limit games against chasing - what can you do other than bet once and you will simply be called down until the chaser either makes their hand or doesn't and gives up - then why isn't chasing the flushes/straights considered more of a viable strategy?

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But there is a defense - playing the hand like you did!

Look at it this way: If your opponents could only beat you by drawing to the BD flush that they hit, then you're going to win this hand 99% of the time and only lose 1% of the time...and you'll make a ton of money.

You got hung up on the 1% of the time they win, instead of focusing on the 99% they lose. And keep in mind that poker is only a popular game becuase of these suckouts. If poor play correlated immediately to poor results, like chess, then virtually nobody would play for money, like chess.
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