Thread: Ingenious Scams
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Old 06-09-2007, 12:44 PM
xenthebrain xenthebrain is offline
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Default Re: Ingenious Scams

This happened to a friend of mine and I can't believe it worked on him. It's a difficult scam. It involses good acting and sleight of hand.

So basically this foreign guy comes to his cashier at a hardware store and asks him if he can change some smaller bills for a 50€ bill. My friend, working the cashier, pulls out a 50€ bill from the cashier and makes the change.

The foreign guy then says, that he is not from here and that he collects bills and needs one that starts with some specific number (that probably doesn't even exist). So he asks the clerk to check if there is any of these bills.
The clerks starts searching for it and the guy then says it would be quicker if he could look himself.

The Clerk takes the 50€-bills out of the register and keeps holding them in his hand, showing them to the guy. He takes one hand and scrolls through the bills until he finally finds one at the end, says thank you and leaves.

After his shift my friend had 500€ missing from the register. The guy must have pulled them out, without him noticing, with one hand while scrolling through them.
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