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Old 06-07-2007, 09:15 PM
Eurolinx Lydia Eurolinx Lydia is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Malta
Posts: 48
Default Re: Prima/Microgaming - New features

Hi all,

As you've heard, we do offer the new Microgaming client, and we will be the only ones to have it for the next couple weeks at least.

There are more changes than what are listed in this thread. The biggest ones, though, are the Find a Player feature, the Rabbit Cam, and the new lobbies. Take a look around the software for more. There is also a brief walkthrough on the website.

Microgaming are very interested at this point in hearing customers' input on both the current updates and potential ones. More big changes are in the works and will be rolled out over the coming months, and they are willing to add more if there is enough customer demand.

What I ask from you is that you either post in this thread or PM me with serious ideas for how you think Microgaming's client can be improved. Please don't send me things like "I think there should be 7-max tables" and that's it; we will need some sort of justification in order to pass it along. A brief explanation of why you think it's a good idea is enough.

We are listening to you and Microgaming are listening to us, so if you have an idea, go for it. Also, if you see something already posted that you think is a good idea, don't just assume that once is enough. The more input, the better, even if it's all the same. Even a simple quote and QFT has double the impact of one post alone.

I cannot emphasize enough that now is the time to let us know what you think. We will act. You are being listened to.

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