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Old 06-07-2007, 02:43 AM
JennFox JennFox is offline
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Default Re: Things to do in Melbourne

I have an excellent suggestion for weird things to do.

I was in Melbourne in January for the Aussie Millions, and we (myself, Alex Jacob, and Jesse Schleger -Shane's bro) rented a convertible and drove it down to Mornington Peninsula. Its not that far, I want to say maybe an hour or two depending on how far you drive. On Mornington Peninsula there are sh*itloads of life size hedge mazes. (think The Shining when Jack Nicholson is chasing the kid at the end of the movie.) One was called Ashcombe Hedge Maze and Water something or other. It was amazing. We definitely raced through them like madmen, children and tourists be damned. I won 1, Jesse won 2. Alex sucks at mazes. LOL!
There was another one close by with 6 mazes, a couple were brain teasers. I think it was called the Enchanted Maze Garden. They were all enchanted...
On the same drive we found a place called Mystical Forest. It was a forest that can't be describe as anything else really.. Fern gulliess and tree canopies that blocked out the sun and made you feel like you were in a really special place. Also suggest blazing one if you go for a drive there..
Thats all I got.
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