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Old 06-06-2007, 08:36 PM
samsdmf samsdmf is offline
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Default Re: Lindsay Lohan and Rehab

I have met Lindsay Lohan.

I also live and work in Hollywood. Although many think that actors and performers are stupid, this is far from the case. There is no a way an idiot can make it in this city, nor have anything that resembles longetivity. They may act stupid, but it is probably an act. Some of the smartest people I have ever met act stupid: I think it is because they are trying to fit in with the rest of the flock.

Rehab does work. The problem is that it is like any other social-fixing institution (homeless, prison recovery). The old saying is that god only helps those that help themselves, and that is true of rehab. I helped a woman move who just came out of rehab a few years back. She was 35 or so. She said that the problem is that parents send their kids to rehab because they over-react. The fact is that many of these kids probably haven't partied more than anyone on this forum, but for some people who where born with too much money, thinking that there kid had more than one beer last night is alcoholism. In the end rehab will not work for any one who is not ready for it. Rehab is basically jail. You are not able to do prison/jail time for doing drugs.

Lindsay Lohan has been acting since she was a child. I have met actor-mothers before, they are crazy, sometimes giving their kids movie star names. I was on set one time and I was about ready to beat the **** out of an eight year old. A few other people and I told the mother that she cannot let her children behave like this, of coarse, we were the wrong ones here.

What is Lindsay like? She's actually very nice. Be rest assured that if she was rude, she would never be able to work with the likes of Rober Altman.

I am not attempting to make excuses for her, I just doubt that that she parties as much as people say she does.

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The fact is whatever she is doing, she is doing it very well. Look at any magazine, any gossip website and its going to be Paris or Lohan somewhere on the cover.
Sort of going off topic but with all this hullabaloo about Paris going to jail I was wondering how much money she is going to make from this?
I heard somewhere that she owns a vast majority of stock images of herself, so when she appears in a magazine she makes money

She WILL sell her story for a large sum when she gets out

She has gained more column inches than any event in the last few years (that I can think of) and, as the saying goes; all publicity is good publicity, just think how Hugh Grants career exploded after his indecent conduct conviction

It seems that these stars know the value of being in the News all the time, I dont know if I am being overly cynical but it seems highly convenient that Lohan is going "back to rehab" so close to the time Paris is going to jail, perhaps an attempt to steal some of the limelight ??

I dont know if anyone has seen these highly attractive and slightly disturbing Lohan images that have been circling the web recently, I guess slightly NSFW so Im linking them but (hopfully) not too NSFW for The Lounge
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