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Old 06-06-2007, 05:12 PM
revots33 revots33 is offline
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Default Re: So does Giuliani have a legit shot at the nomination?

Can Giuliani win? Why not? He's leading in the polls now and it's not like his divorces or socially liberal positions aren't common knowledge.

Bottom line is, people will vote for who they see as a genuine leader, and who they are most inspired by. Giuliani's position as mayor of NY after 9/11 gives him an authority when discussing the war on terror that other candidates can't complete with. He needs to keep hammering the national security angle, cause that's what will get him elected.

He's also the only Republican who could actually win the general election, I think, because his more moderate position on social issues will play better than yet another opponent of Roe v. Wade who only appeals to the Jesus freaks.
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